What We Do

Our Management Expertise Separates us from our competitors. We are business professionals who have a deep understanding of business management principles previously only available to large corporations. We have demonstrated the ability to evaluate businesses, determine the problem through data and information and then create a practical strategy for moving forward with a solution.

2DaysAMonth has proven its ability to gain the trust of clients, effectively communicate ideas, and affect positive change within an organization. Complex ideas and strategies are shared clearly and directly with humility and are based on a deep desire to enable others to thrive and succeed with excellence.

The 2DaysAMonth Process

Should you be interested in engaging our services, this is the process we will go through with you:

Introductory Meeting

In a sequence of free consultations, either in person or through calls, we aim to understand your business. This involves delving into your current position and aspirations and identifying the major challenges you perceive. If both parties agree that 2DaysAMonth aligns with your needs, we can then move forward to the next stage.


We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your business by utilizing structured interviews and surveys with various staff and management members within your organization. Our assessment covers a thorough examination of your product/service offerings, business processes, planning tools, key metrics, and leadership methodology. Additionally, we may perform in-depth data analysis as part of this process.

Roadmap to Success

Upon analyzing the results of the assessment, we will furnish you with a Roadmap and accompanying Action Plan tailored for your success. This detailed Roadmap will offer a step-by-step plan to help you achieve your objectives, whether you choose to implement it independently or with our support.

Implementation Support

If you opt for our assistance in implementing your Roadmap, we will initiate month-to-month engagements with you and your firm. During this period, we will work closely with you and your team to facilitate the transformation process. These engagements are flexible and can be cancelled at any time. Generally, our clients achieve self-sufficiency within four to six months. Our commitment is to support you for as long as necessary, with the ultimate aim of empowering you to move forward independently.

Sustainability Audits

To ensure the sustained improvement of the results you attain, we strongly recommend 6-month follow-up assessments. These follow a similar methodology as the initial assessment and are crafted to highlight the aspects that are performing well as well as areas that may require attention. This ongoing evaluation will provide valuable insights to guide further refinement and optimization in line with your objectives.

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